Reference no: EM131179953
Consider the important concepts described in the following scenario:
- A salesperson may manage many other salespeople. A salesperson is managed by only one salespeople. A salesperson can be an agent for many customers.
- A customer is managed by one salespeople. A customer can place many orders. An order can be placed by one customer. An order lists many inventory items. An inventory item may be listed on many orders.
- An inventory item is assembled from many parts. A part may be assembled into many inventory items. Many employees assemble an inventory item from many parts. A supplier supplies many parts. A part may be supplied by many suppliers.
The deadline to submit the project is 10/04/2016.
- Design the database, following an ER model.
- Normalize the tables ( each table should be in 3NF at least)
- Use MySQL to create the normalized tables.
- Populate your tables with 5 rows at least.
- Execute the requested queries.
Final Deliverables:
A Word document to be submitted by each students that should contain:
- The an ER diagram for the database.
- The normalization process. (show each table in 1NF, 2NF, 3NF)
- SQL statements for creating tables and inserting data.
- A screen shots for every created table and its data.
- SQL queries and their results.
- A screen shots for every query and its result.
The University wants to create a Student Information System. In the Design Phase, the university must make major decisions with the analyst. Those decisions are the following
- User Interface planning
- Data Storage Format
- A good Architecture
The Student Information System holds the details of the student personal and academic records. Which needs to be secure and has high performance when it is under pressure in the course registration week. The student and the colleges administrations needs to have access to reports on the system. For Example the student will view transcripts, GPA, Contact number, Level. In addition, the administrator will have the right to CRUD the number of registrations, assignment of teachers to courses and current courses registration status, canceling schedule and modification of the class student numbers and the student record. The student and the administrator can update the record no one else depending on the permissions.
1. What is the best data storage format for the Student Information System and give 5 benefits of the format you chose? (In your own words)
2. What is the best Architecture for the Student Information System based on the non-functional requirement and why? State 5 benefits of the Architecture you chose? (In your own words)
3. Create an Interface Structure Diagram for the System. Where you have the following navigations:
- Student Navigation
- Administrator Navigation
Also state what is best for System to use online or batch processing and Why?