Best and worst use of message digest algorithms

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13813024

Best and Worst Use of Message Digest Algorithms-

You are required to submit a single comprehensive written document conforming to the following requirements.

APA formatted; including a Title page, a Table of Contents (TOC), and References page.

Sentences and paragraphs should be well-formed with proper grammar and spelling and be at a graduate level.

Length must be between 2 - 4 pages; excluding Title, TOC and References pages.

Research MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms using the suggested resources and create your report with responses to the following four (4) sections.

Best Use of MD5 or SHA-1: Outline a scenario where the MD5, or SHA-1 algorithms are put to good and proper use. Start by stating what the algorithm does and give a use-case where MD5, or SHA-1 has a "best fit" condition. Minimally 10 sentences.

Worst Use of MD5 or SHA-1: Outline a scenario where the MD5, or SHA-1 algorithms are put to poor, or improper use. Start by stating what improper assumptions where made and how it did (or could) lead to a security compromise. Minimally 10 sentences.

Conclusion: Summarize what you learned in this lab.

Reference no: EM13813024

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