BENV0086 Building Systems Modelling Assignment

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Reference no: EM132428691 , Length: 3000 words

BENV0086 - Building Systems Modelling - UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

Modelling Portfolio: Building Energy Performance Simulation Tools

As highlighted in the brief, the Coursework consists of the compilation of a Modelling Portfolio. The Modelling Portfolio will have three parts (one for each Task of the coursework). It may be good to consider each of these parts a small report, similar to those you might produce for clients while working, for example, in a consultancy.

Some key ideas on how to present the report will be discussed during a tutorial, you are however free to write up the report as you wish as long as you follow the general guidelines highlighted in the brief:

• In total the main body of the report word limit is 3,000 words, and including diagrams, charts, etc, should be no more than 20 Pages.

• Each section should in general include a brief background, methodology, discussion/analysis of results and relevant conclusions. In addition to this, any additional sections that may be required should be added. The building simulation files (and results files if required) for each of these tasks should also be submitted at the same time as you submit your coursework review. Note that a submission without the simulation files will be deemed incomplete.

• The report should draw on the findings of each of the designated tasks and present the relevant findings and conclusions for each task. The work should be supported by relevant references in the field such as papers, studies or reports.

• The report needs to be concise - try and include only information that is relevant. Other supporting information can go in the appendix. Note that the report should be self-sufficient without the appendix. Be mindful of the 20-page limit when considering what needs to go in your appendix.

Attachment:- Building Energy Performance Simulation Tools.rar

Reference no: EM132428691

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BENV0086 Building Systems Modelling Assignment : BENV0086 Building Systems Modelling Assignment Help and Solution, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering - Assessment Writing Service
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1/6/2020 1:41:08 AM

have a coursework which is due on the 10th of January and I can't get a hold of it due to work. The assignment is about BESTEST case simulation, parametric analysis, uncertainty sensitivity analysis and design optimization using DesignBuilder software and some EnergyPlus. Also with additional 3000 words on explaining the method and results. The ASHRAE and IES files are the benchmark required to compare the result on TASK 1. The benchmark can be found on the appendix if I'm not wrong. Please find attachments That is the supplementary info. Feel free to use it or not (single pdf file attached)

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