Benefits of technical oversight-change management committee

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133140001


A large integrated healthcare system recognizes the need for effectively managing change to their health information technology and systems. They currently have no formal governance method to evaluate and facilitate these changes. They contracted with your consulting firm to support them with a best practice recommendation on how to set up an oversight process. Given your expertise from the module readings, lectures and your own research develop a presentation on how this healthcare system would benefit from creation of a multidisciplinary HIT Innovation Steering Committee that monitors and facilitates change.

Create a PowerPoint presentation using speaker notes that includes:

Description of the purpose and benefits of a technical oversight and change management committee.

Discussion of recommended discipline and department memberships and why their inclusion is important on this type of committee.

Discussion on methods an organization can use to manage and drive effective technology change.

Discussion on the importance for the committee to be informed on new emerging technology, including suggestions on how this can be accomplished.

Reference no: EM133140001

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