Benefits of prescribing oxycontin to their patients

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133386045


Think about two professions at Purdue Pharma who helped cause the opioid epidemic--the marketing agents (who were responsible for teaching salesmen how to sell Oxycontin to medical professionals) and salesmen themselves (who went into doctor's offices and hospitals preaching the benefits of prescribing Oxycontin to their patients). Now imagine you are reporting on them, much like Arendt was at Eichmann's trial. Remember that Arendt was attempting in part to think through the factors that allowed Eichmann to do such horrible things despite lacking the intent or conviction to be evil.

You now have to think through the same factors with respect to the marketing agents and salesmen of Oxycontin. What were the primary causes that allowed them to continue marketing and selling as they did? How were they convinced to do these jobs, despite the possible outcomes? How did bosses and other leaders at Purdue Pharma motivate them?

Remember also that Arendt diagnosed Eichmann with a numbed conscience that switched off his critical faculties. She discovered "three key ingredients" that did this to him. What were the key ingredients that caused a similar numbing of conscience on behalf of these marketing and sales agents? Which of these key ingredients do you think was most important?

Reference no: EM133386045

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