Benefits of pertinent negative in human interaction

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133133690

Our perception can sometimes ignore important aspects when we scan our surroundings. For example, in a situation, our assumptions quickly set in. We focus on what is present and ignore what is missing, which can possibly clarify the behavior of those around us. Amy Herman termed this phenomenon as the pertinent negative (Burkus, 2016). Sometimes, the most valuable information is what we cannot see. In the study of perceptions, this consideration can help us to respond better and avoid misjudgments.

Research the concept, Pertinent Negative as it relates to our personal behaviors and perceptions. Then answer the following questions in essay format:

What are the benefits of Pertinent Negative in human interaction?

How can we use the broader view of things in improving our relationships with others?

If you were a manager, how would you use pertinent negative in understanding employee behaviors and actions?

Reflect on your current situation to see how this concept can improve your own attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors.

Important note

Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources

Reference no: EM133133690

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