Reference no: EM132945737
As a new systems analyst for your organization, your CIO has asked you to present the system development process to the technology department and associated business sponsors within the organization.
You are asked to present the following.
-Systems Planning Phase: Describe how to analyze the business case that includes the process of analyzing and evaluating the feasibility and benefits of implementing this system-based project. You are to present how to analyze project feasibility: schedule, operational, technical, and economic factors.
-Systems Analysis Phase: Describe how the system analyst will analyze the business requirements for a system. Discuss how to identify the stakeholders who have knowledge of the requirements and determine the appropriate fact-finding techniques, such as questionnaires, interviewing, prototyping, and JAD, to develop a data repository. Explain the process model technique that uses the data flow diagramming (DFD) method. Present how to develop an evaluation criteria in the form of a ranking system to determine and recommend the most appropriate solution(s). These may include scaling down the project scope and requirements, modifying the project requirements, or subcontracting the project.
-System Design Phase: Describe how the business requirements and various business models of functional requirements help in the forming of the process, conceptual, and physical models leading to the design of the completed system process and a well-structured normalized database. Explain the role of the physical model in the overall analysis and design of the information system including normalization process of the database. Illustrate the issues involved in designing the user interface and dialogue design, including the development process of forms and reports. Identify how to improve an existing user interface system to ensure usability, reliability, and readability.
-System Implementation Phase: Explain quality assurance and three techniques to help improve the finished product. Describe the application development process including coding, testing, and implementation planning. Differentiate between program, system, operations, and user documentation.
-System Support and Security: Describe the five tasks involved in system installation and the four types of maintenance. Explain the seven strategies and techniques utilized by the system analyst for maintenance management. Explain the importance of system security regarding the CIA methodology.
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