Benefits of blogs

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132211167

Below is a list of topics. Some topics already state a definite position/stance and some are more general where you can pick your own position. I would like for you to come up with a strong thesis statement for each topic. Remember that thesis statements are usually one sentence and they are very specific and detailed. By listening to or reading a thesis statement, your audience should get a general idea of what your main points for that particular speech are going to be. Here is a sample thesis statement....

Topic: Benefits of Blogs

Example: Having a blog provides the opportunity to practice writing, a means of networking with others who share similar interests, and the chance to develop basic website management skills.


Fast food is bad

California is the best state to live in

School uniforms

Smoking is bad

Benefits of internships

Reference no: EM132211167

Questions Cloud

Prompt and read the number of discs in each peg : Write a program for playing the game of NIM. Our version of the game starts with up to 20 pegs and up to 10 discs in each peg.
We planned to deliver and what we actually delivered : Using this data, what can we say about the relationship between what we planned to deliver and what we actually delivered?
Find historical stock prices for each firm : Find historical stock prices for each firm from Yahoo! Finance or another source. Use the closing stock prices (not the adjusted close).
Supporting core competencies in employees : When do you think HR professionals should focus on identifying, developing, or supporting core competencies in employees?
Benefits of blogs : Some topics already state a definite position/stance and some are more general where you can pick your own position.
Draw the flowchart for the program on the back of this paper : Write a program to prompt for inputting 5 numbers (a loop is needed) and find the maximum number.
Determine the facts of the case : This assignment is a research-based essay where you are required to relate a real-world case study to accounting theory. Below you will find links to news.
Solve the generalized mutilated checkerboard problem : Write a program (in Python, Java, or etc) that solves the generalized mutilated checkerboard problem for an 8x8 checkerboard.
When he got hurt on a water slide at amusement park : Mark was on spring break in Tennessee when he got hurt on a water slide at an amusement park. Which specific U.S. Court of Appeals will hear his appeal?


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