Benefits of adam reviewing outcome of debriefing

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Reference no: EM133453747

Monika is a youth support worker who has been providing support to Noah for two years. Noah has recently entered the community after having been in detention for robbery. Recently, Noah's behaviour has changed and there was an incident where he made a verbal threat towards Monika, telling her he wanted to hurt her.

Monika tells her supervisor, Adam, about the incident and recent change in Noah's behaviour and the effect it has on her. He arranges for a debriefing session with Monika because she sounds upset and says it is making her stressed about coming to work and meeting with Noah.

1. What are two benefits of Adam reviewing the outcome of the debriefing?

2. How should Adam store his notes regarding the outcome of the debriefing?

3. When debriefing Monika about the critical incident involving Noah, what records should be completed and kept by the organisation?

4. If Adam wanted to identify whether his team as a whole had skill gaps relating to client-worker protocols and professional boundaries, what two measures could he take to identify this as an area of need?

5. After a consultation process, Adam forms a plan to support areas of need within the organisation. What are three elements that a written proposal outlining the plan should include?

6. What signs might indicate to Adam that Monika is still not coping well after the incident and debriefing?

Reference no: EM133453747

Questions Cloud

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