Benefit from migration to cloud computing

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132920600

Select an organization that you can research that has an on-premises business function that you believe will benefit from a migration to cloud computing. Each explicitly listed with a heading.

Company Overview: The section should include the company name, the industry they are in, and a general overview of the organization.

The On-Premises Function: Discuss the current application or functional domain that you are proposing for a move to the cloud. For example, an inventory management system or the organization's email platform. Why will this benefit from cloud migration?

The Proposed Cloud Solution: Describe your proposal for moving the function to the cloud. Be specific and detailed. What services would you use? Which service provider would you use? What timeline do you propose? Include as much detail as possible.  For example, indicate the specific services you will consume or subscribe to, (if you are moving to AWS, I would expect to see specific services listed such as EC2, S3, Redshift, Lambda, and others). Indicate where storage is duplicated and failovers may be present.

Conclusion: Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and make recommendations on how they might achieve even greater success.

Reference no: EM132920600

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