Benefit be of mandatory annual coaching sessions

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133141146

Coaching is an important process in organizations. As explored in Chapter 9 of the textbook, there are various competencies associated with effective coaching. However, many individuals do not have the competencies to be an effective coach. In fact, researchers continue to debate about the necessary competencies needed for effective coaching.

Focus on three principles of successful coaching. Then, explain, in your own words, what techniques you would utilize to create strength in each area listed:

1. How would you identify, or pinpoint problems faced by a staff member?

2. How would you provide feedback to employees during coaching sessions? What would the benefit be of mandatory annual coaching sessions? Would this practice be desirable or feasible in your current or previous organization? Why or why not?

3. During coaching sessions, how can goal setting be effectively utilized?

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Reference no: EM133141146

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