Beneficial elements to harmful technologies

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Reference no: EM13165110

This is for my science, technology, and society class. For my homework it asks me to answer the following:

In your opinion, what recent technology has produced the greatest benefit? Which has produced the greatest harm? Are there harmful elements to beneficial technologies? Beneficial elements to harmful technologies?

Can you think of some established industries that have been undermined by technological advance? What industries might be threatened in the future?

Reference no: EM13165110

Questions Cloud

Program that converts the temperature : Write a program that converts the temperature F in Farenheit to C in Celsius using C = (F-32)*5/9. For ease of programming you can display the result in fractions
Add details to the design of a file system and implement it : add details to the design of a file system and implement it in detail. The file system uses a variant of the scheme used by UNIX in that it allows for a hierarchical file directory and uses pointers to individual blocks of data. The disk used has 100..
State the most common error students make during a titration : The most common error students make during a titration is that they add extra NaOH past the endpoint causing the solution to change a dark pink color.
Calculate the loses frequency of that can ionize : an energy of 353 kJ/mol is required to cause a Mg atom on a metal surface to lose an electron. calculate the loses frequency of that can ionize a Mg atom.
Beneficial elements to harmful technologies : In your opinion, what recent technology has produced the greatest benefit? Which has produced the greatest harm? Are there harmful elements to beneficial technologies? Beneficial elements to harmful technologies?
Estimate the molar mass of the element : the specific heat of an unknown metal is found to be 0.233 j kg. The law of dulong and petit predicts a molar heat capacity of J/K mol. Use this law to estimate the molar mass of the element.
What ph is required to precipitate all : The ground water in Pherric, New Mexico contains 1.80 mg/L of iron as Fe+3. What pH is required to precipitate all but 0.30 mg/L of the iron as Fe(OH)3 at 25oC?
The radar gun used by a police officer : The radar gun used by a police officer outputs a radar signal and measures the speed of the cars as they pass. However, when the officer wants to ticket an individual for speeding
Calculate the masses of the solid : Calculate the masses of the solid you must measure out to prepare 100mL EACH OF 0.025 M KNO3 , 0.025 M CuSO4, 0.025 M Ca(NO3)2, and 0.025 M KCl . include waters of hydration when clculating the formula wights.


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