Benchmarking data support strategic planning

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Reference no: EM133134985

Benchmarking data support strategic planning for the healthcare administrator. In your journal assignment, describe what benchmarking data you think will be the best support as a future healthcare administrator. Justify your decisions with scholarly research. Then, reflect on any parts of benchmarking data with which you are continuing to struggle. What questions do you have?

Overview: Benchmarking data (sometimes referred to as a scorecard) allows you to analyze how your organization is performing compared to organizations that are similar in industry and size. State and federal healthcare-related websites are a good place to search for data. For example, if you are in the state of Indiana, you can visit the website, where you will find information on patient procedures performed, patient discharge data, long-term care, and so on. The Indiana State Department of Health provides even more reports and statistics from A to Z. All healthcare organizations are required to report statistics to the state, which is how this information originates. Additionally, Becker's Hospital Review provides a high-level review of the various measures that are helpful for administrators to compare.

Prompt: Benchmarking data supports strategic planning for the healthcare administrator. In your journal assignment, describe what benchmarking data you think will be the best support as a future healthcare administrator. Justify your decisions with scholarly research. Then, reflect on any parts of benchmarking data with which you are continuing to struggle.

Reference no: EM133134985

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