BEHL1004 Psychology Assignment

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Reference no: EM132609073 , Length: word count:700

BEHL1004 Psychology - University of South Australia

Essay Questions

Describe the trait theory of personality. Select one ‘factor' or ‘trait' from a prominent trait theory and using peer reviewed research to support your argument discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of someone who strongly exhibits this trait.

Social Psychology
Describe the main social factors that influence attraction between people. Select one of these factors and describe the empirical support for its influence.

Developmental Psychology
Jean-Piaget proposed a step-wise sequence of mental development during childhood. Provide an overview of Piaget's core ideas, discussing the evidence for and against these ideas using peer reviewed studies to support your argument.

Should adolescents be tried as adults? Justify your answer based on peer reviewed research and theory relating to adolescent cognitive and moral development.

Abnormal Psychology
Select a psychological disorder that features in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Health Disorders. Describe the disorder and discuss the treatment options for this disorder using peer reviewed evidence to support your argument.

Attachment:- Psychology.rar

Reference no: EM132609073

Questions Cloud

Conflict with teams -creativity in teams : Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict?
Visible and invisible physical security controls : Many business environments have both visible and invisible physical security controls.
What is the amount of cash collected by the seller : Explain the difference between "transportation-in" and "transportation-out." Also, indicate whether each is a product cost or period cost
The characteristics of successful program : Chapter starts with the identification and the introduction of the Principles, and the characteristics of a successful program.
BEHL1004 Psychology Assignment : BEHL1004 Psychology Assignment Help and Solution, University of South Australia - Assessment Writing Service - Describe the trait theory of personality
Computer and internet security policy : Computer and email acceptable use policy. Internet acceptable use policy. Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area.
Analyzing competitive environment of any industry : Explain briefly porters five force model and apply it for analyzing competitive environment of any industry?
About risk management topic of your choice : Over the course of this semester, you will be asked to write a research paper about an risk management topic of your choice.
How big is big data for discovery health : How big is big data for Discovery Health? What big data sources did Discovery Health use for their analytic solutions?


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