Behaviour and optimization of suspension system

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131463271 , Length: 4000 Words

Topic:  "Behaviour and optimization of suspension system by using corrective springs".

Around 4,000 words with literature review, refrence style is APA



This project leads to the study of  optimization and behaviour of suspension system with corrective springs firstly, in this project we try to solve the differential equations to obtain a closed form of mathematics expression  which includes the parameters of the vehicle and the passenger  to obtain the steady state moving of the vehicle with the help of corrective springs by considering the ISO standards and  trying to reduce the vibration and  make the ride comfort for the driver and  passenger so that one can easily drive long at certain speed  with some load at the back without much getting tired and also concluding  the damping coefficient of the suspension system which has the remarkable influence on the ride comfort at a given speed.

Reference no: EM131463271

Questions Cloud

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What is the company stock price after three years : Value of Investment. Dawn decides to invest $2,000 each year in stock at the end of each of the next five years. She believes she can earn a 9% return.
Determine the economic desirability of purchase of machine : A Company is using a machine the original cost of which was $370,000. The machine is two years old and has a remaining useful life of 10 years.
Analyse the historical and contemporary conditions : 7016GIR - A Post Secular Age? Religion, the State & Global Society. The essay should analyse the historical and contemporary conditions
Behaviour and optimization of suspension system : This project leads to the study of optimization and behaviour of suspension system with corrective springs firstly
Explain how all three workplace capabilities : Explain how all three workplace capabilities (Interpersonal skills, attitude, or tolerance) you feel represent your knowledge
Explain how all three workplace capabilities : Explain how all three workplace capabilities (Interpersonal skills, attitude, or tolerance) you feel represent your knowledge, skills, and behaviors up to this
Characteristics displayed by your company abilities : Summarize your review and research. Display the characteristics displayed by your company's abilities as a learning organization.
Business leader acting unethically or a business leader : Select and describe a scenario which was in the news about a business leader acting unethically or a business leader who has acted ethically.


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