Behavioral strategies to increase appropriate behaviors

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Reference no: EM131057493

Your plan must include:

  1. Rationale and features.
  • Describe what will be included in the plan. For example:
    • Discipline
    • School safety
    • Attendance
    • Character education
    • School spirit


  • Discuss how you will implement this practice.
  • Discuss how will you inform students and keep it enforced.  For example:
    • Any teacher can hand out a ticket
    • Tickets can only be given out during certain times of the day
    • Student's name must immediately be written on the ticket


  • State who will be in charge of administering the rewards.
  • Describe the kinds of rewards you will offer the students, and how often will they be administered.  For example:
    • Students will collect tickets from any teacher when they are caught doing something good.  At the end of the semester, there will be a "price" guide where the tickets can be traded
    • Students will be acknowledged each semester for things like perfect attendance, good citizenship, and service to the school and community
    • Peer nominations for specific awards

You will create a presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint.  Your SWPBIS plan must be 10 to 15 slides in length, with a title slide, an introduction slide, and a reference slide.  Your plan should also be formatted according to APA guidelines, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  Be sure to use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Required Resources

Required Text

    • This chapter discusses behavioral strategies to increase appropriate behaviors.  Positive and negative reinforcement are discussed, as well as guidelines for establishing a reinforcement program.  Included are the different schedules of reinforcement, tokeneconomy reinforcement, shaping and chaining of behavior, as well as the generalization and maintenance of behavior.

    Chapter 12: Schoolwide Strategies for Positive Behavior Supports

    • This chapter presents principles and techniques used for encouraging appropriate behaviors and decreasing inappropriate behaviors. It also reviews and clarifies relevant terminology.  Preventive strategies are provided that negate the need for behavior reduction techniques. General guidelines and safeguards for implementing behavior reduction strategies are also reviewed.

    Chapter 13: Individual Strategies for Positive Behavioral Supports

    • This chapter focuses on the components of a behavioral intervention plan (BIP), strategies for writing effective BIPs, and strategies for reducing inappropriate behaviors. 

    Reference no: EM131057493

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