Behavior of java implementations

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565681

Need to choose one sorting algorithm - Choose quick sort.

The first project involves benchmarking the behavior of Java implementations of one of the following sorting algorithms, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, Shell sort, merge sort, quick sort or heap sort. You must post your selection in the "Ask the Professor" conference. No more than five students may select any one algorithm.

Project 1 involves writing the code to perform the benchmarking of the algorithm you selected. Your program must include both an iterative and recursive version of the algorithm. You do not have to write them yourself, you may take them from some source, but you must reference your source. You must identify some critical operation to count that reflects the overall performance and modify each version so that it counts that operation. In addition to counting critical operations you must measure the actual run time. You are to write code to determine their efficiency based on the number of times that the critical operation is executed and actual time measurements. In addition, you should examine the result of each call to verify that the data has been properly sorted to verify the correctness of the algorithm. If the array is not sorted, an exception should be thrown. It should also randomly generate data to pass to the sorting methods. It should produce 50 data sets for each value of n, the size of the data set and average the result of those 50 runs. The exact same data must be used for the iterative and the recursive algorithms. It should also create 10 different sizes of data sets. Choose sizes that will clearly demonstrate the trend as n becomes large. You should also calculate the standard deviation of the critical operation counts and time measurement for the 50 runs of each data set size as a way to gauge the data sensitivity of the algorithm. Your program must be written to conform to the following design:


Your output should look at follows:

Dat a Set Size n Iterative Recursive


Average Critical Operation Count

Standard Deviation of Count

Average Execution Time

Standard Deviation of Time

Average Critical Operation Count

Standard Deviation of Count

Average Execution Time

Standard Deviation of Time



















The data set sizes above are examples. You are to select the actual data set sizes. On the due date for project 1, you are to submit a .zip file that includes the source code of your complete program. All the classes should be in the default package.

Grading of the project will be based on the following items:

• Adhered to the specified design
• Produced the required output in the specified format
• Correctly calculated the statistics
• Chose good test sizes and good random data
• Correctly implemented the sorting algorithm

Reference no: EM131565681

Questions Cloud

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Behavior of java implementations : Behavior of Java implementations of one of the following sorting algorithms, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, Shell sort, merge sort, quick sort
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