Beck anxiety inventory

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Reference no: EM1391885

It's a rule-based application which must be written in CLIPS, Do you have programmers experienced with it? Need them to be transformed to rules so that the user can supply the facts and get back the feedback from the computer. this way there would be 3 .clp files for the rules and the user can use the clips environment to load them and start execution.

Beck Anxiety Inventory

984_Anxiety Inventory.png

Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom.


A grand sum between 0 - 21 indicates very low anxiety. That is usually a good thing. However, it is possible that you might be unrealistic in either your assessment which would be denial or that you have learned to "mask" the symptoms commonly associated with anxiety. Too little "anxiety" could indicate that you are detached from yourself, others, or your environment.

A grand sum between 22 - 35 indicates moderate anxiety. Your body is trying to tell you something. Look for patterns as to when and why you experience the symptoms described above. For example, if it occurs prior to public speaking and your job requires a lot of presentations you may want to find ways to calm yourself before speaking or let others do some of the presentations. You may have some conflict issues that need to be resolved. Clearly, it is not "panic" time but you want to find ways to manage the stress you feel.

A grand sum that exceeds 36 is a potential cause for concern. Again, look for patterns or times when you tend to feel the symptoms you have circled. Persistent and high anxiety is not a sign of personal weakness or failure. It is, however, something that needs to be proactively treated or there could be significant impacts to you mentally and physically. You may want to consult a physician or counselor if the feelings persist.

Depression checklist

Possible symptoms of depression
Check the symptoms below that are true for you.
In the past two weeks, nearly every day, have you:
Felt down, sad, or hopeless?
Had little interest or pleasure in doing things?
If either question is marked, keep going.
In the past two weeks, nearly every day, have you:
Had change in weight or appetite that you could not explain?
Had trouble sleeping or slept too much?
Felt restless or nervous?
Felt tired or had less energy?
Felt worthless or guilty?
Had problems thinking clearly or making decisions?
Kept thinking about death or hurting yourself or tried to hurt yourself?
Talk to your doctor about your answers. Only a doctor can decide if you have depression.
Facts about depression
Depression is a very common illness. But depression is treatable.
It is important to get proper treatment. Then you can get back to enjoying life!

Stressful Event Checklist

In this checklist, each item signifies a life event that requires an individual to make a readjustment or a change in his or her life. Such changes produce stress in our lives, even if the event is a pleasant one. Therefore, a step toward reducing stress is to become aware of the sources of stress in your life. By assigning values to these 32 potential stress producers, you can determine whether you have experienced low, moderate, or high stress in the past year. This scale in its original format is from a 15-year research of stress in adults conducted by insurance companies.

It has been modified to apply to college students and may only be considered rough indication of stress levels and health consequences. In the original checklist designed for adults, the higher the stress level the more likely one was to have illness within the coming year. For example, if one had a stress score of 300 or greater, that person was almost certain to have illness requiring time off from work within the next year. Persons with low stress in their lives had significantly fewer cases of illnesses.

Place an "X" in the column labeled Happened for those events that have occurred in your life recently or that you expect to occur soon. Total your score by adding the event values, and circle that category below in which your score falls.

2484_Anxiety Inventory1.png

Reference no: EM1391885

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