Basiclinkedtree and bstree classes

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13943318

Concepts tested by this program:

  • Generic Classes
  • Comparators
  • New concepts tested by this program
  • Linked Trees
  • Binary Search Trees

Your assignment is to write a generic linked list tree and a generic linked list  binary search tree class that inherits from your generic linked tree class.  There is no GUI required for this assignment.  Your classes will be tested with Junit tests.


This generic class is used in the BasicLinkedTree and BSTree classes.  The class consists of a reference to the data and a reference to the left and right child.Follow the Javadoc that is provided.  The Javadoc only lists those public methods that are required to pass the Junit tests.  You may add any private methods you need for your design.


This generic linked list tree relies on a root (reference to root of the tree).  The root is set to null when the list is empty. The class uses an external generic TreeNode class which consists of a reference to the data and a reference to the left and right child. The private members consist of a root (reference to a TreeNode) and the size (number of Nodes in the tree)  Follow the Javadoc that is provided.  The Javadoc only lists those public methods that are required to pass the Junit tests.  You may add any private methods you need for your design.


A generic linked binary search tree which inherits from the BasicLinkedTree class anduses a provided Comparator.  The class uses an external generic TreeNode class.  There is only one additional private member, a comparator to determine the order of the nodes.  This class uses the private members of root and size which are defined in the BasicLinked List.  Follow the Javadoc that is provided.The Javadoc only lists those public methods that are required to pass the Junit tests.  You may add any private methods you need for your design.

Reference no: EM13943318

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