Basic life support-bls

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131140493 , Length: 2500 Words

Write a report on "Programme Title: Basic Life Support (BLS)"
• Programme Level: 2
• Length/Duration of Programme: 1 year
• Mode of study: Offline

Aim of program

The BLS programme aims to train the health care professionals, surgeons, and nurses for handling grave medical cases and emergencies like patients with life threatening diseases, senseless patients and accident cases. This programme teaches care workers about pre-hospital training that ensure safe transfer of the victim to hospital. Principle target of this programme is to enhance the chances of survival even in emergency condition.

Table of Contents for report

• Rationale for Programme 3
• Programme Aims 3
• Intended Learning Outcomes 4
• Methods of Analysing the Programme 8
• Appendices 9
• References 10

Your report must include 2500 words count including references. 


Reference no: EM131140493

Questions Cloud

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Basic life support-bls : Write a report on "Programme Title: Basic Life Support (BLS)", The BLS programme aims to train the health care professionals, surgeons, and nurses for handling grave medical cases and emergencies like patients with life threatening diseases
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