Reference no: EM131296243 , Length: word count:1500
To assess the technical and presentation skills by exploring the technical knowledge gained in optical commination systems.
- To understand the basic knowledge of optical communication systems.
- To explore the significance of the optical communication system in real time scenario.
- To evaluate the presentation skills and report writing skills to perform with proper planning and time management
A. Knowledge and understanding of the topic
This is the factual foundation of the assignment. The essential facts should be accurate and broad enough in their scope to allow further application.
B. Application and analysis of the topic (Module specific Skill)
This is the way in which you analyse/ examine the factual information and how you interpret this information to add value to your answer (this could be in the form of conclusions, solutions, recommendations, etc.). It is also important to remember that the assessor must logically be able to follow the information in assignment submissions.
C. The structure in terms of logic and coherence
Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped. Report structure, Abstract, Introduction & Referencing, Result Analysis, and Conclusion & Future works.
D. The use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading Suggestions for further reading are contained within the course work and indicated at the end of the course work. These reading lists are not exhaustive and candidates are encouraged to read further and reference at the end of the course work using Harvard style of referencing.
E. Task Expected
The Coursework is module specific, comprising technical presentation and report writing and shall include the following:
- The selection of the topics should be based on the optical communication systems listed below.
(i) Optical OFDM system for future optical communication system.
(ii) DWDM system for Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) applications.
(iii) Radio over Fiber (RoF) system for optical communication system.
(iv) IP over WDM for next-generation optical Internet.
(v) Optical CDMA system for future optical communication system.
- The Coursework is group work of maximum of 3 students.
- The selection topic should clearly mention the industry standards adopted, commercially available systems, system specifications, theoretical concepts, design issues, services offered and practically implemented in Sultanate of Oman.
- The selection of the topic should be approved prior to the presentation and report submission.
- The group will demonstrate their presentation skills and it is based on the individual performance in the group.
- The group should perform presentation for maximum duration of 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes question and answer sessions.
- The presentation skills will test their knowledge and understanding of the topic as well as the application and analysis of the topic.
- The group has to submit a draft report of case study and it should be uploaded in Turnitin to check plagiarism on or before December 04, 2016 for report approval and acceptance.
- A final report to be submitted on December 11, 2016.
- Report structure should contain the following elements: abstract, industry standards adopted, commercially available systems, system specifications, theoretical concepts, design issues, services offered and practically implemented in Sultanate of Oman, conclusion, limitations, future scope, proper Harvard referencing and bibliography
- The style and presentation of the report content should contain no longer than 1500 words, font size -11, font face - Arial and paragraph spacing - 1.5 spacing. The report should be properly ‘spiral bound'.
- The suggested reading should be mandatory from the resources such as text books, ebrary and journal articles.
- Proper Harvard referencing as per CCE style should be followed through indicative readings, standards, regulations, bye laws, figures, diagrams, tables and charts, etc. relevant to the coursework
- Safety and precautions for the course work conducted in laboratory.