Reference no: EM132889691
Option 1: Companies - Ethical or Not?
Based on the first letter of your last name you have been assigned to one of the companies highlighted in the cases in the text. Consult the list below for your company/case. Read the case in the textbook and do some outside research on the highlighted company. Note that not all of the cases are specifically about ethics. You may have to dig into some outside sources to uncover ethical concerns about the company.
Note - You are not answering the case questions and you do not have to provide history and background on the company.
Based on what you've found out in your research and what you've learned about business ethics, write a three-paragraph essay addressing the following two questions:
Based on the evidence, is this company ethical? Why or why not.
Based on the evidence, business ethics does or does not matter in the short-term/long-term.
Option 2: Countries - Ethical Standings
When we think of what makes a country an attractive place to do business, we might think of economic factors like GDP growth or high levels of consumer spending. However, ethics and human rights issues should not be overlooked. For this forum, students should select a country to investigate based on ethics, HDI, and corruption levels. Once a country has been selected, students should evaluate its ranking on three different indices: HDI, corruption, and human rights using the linked rankings. Students should write a three-paragraph essay addressing the following questions:
How did the country do on the three rankings?
What does this tell you about the country? Make some evidence supported inferences.
Should we do business with countries that rank poorly in these areas (especially human rights)? Why or what not?
Why should public health be important to all americans
: Why should public health be important to ALL Americans?
How do renal family change over course of hospitalization
: Frameworks for Nursing Research, How do renal insufficiency, ambulation, and family presence change over the course of hospitalization?
Explain what are the challenges that hr in organization face
: Explain what are the challenges that HR in organization faces?
Prepare a statement of retained earnings for the year ended
: Cash dividends totaling $13,000 and stock dividends totaling $17,000 were declared. Prepare a statement of retained earnings for the year ended
Based on the evidence is company ethical
: Based on the evidence, is this company ethical? Based on the evidence, business ethics does or does not matter in the short-term/long-term.
Research state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy
: Adolescent pregnancy, Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources.
How Pemberton would report its retained earnings
: At the end of 2019, Pemberton held treasury stock costing $15,000. Show how Pemberton would report its retained earnings in its 2019 financial statements
Who wrote the seven habits of highly effective people
: In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as what?
Organization steps do you believe would be most challenging
: Which of the labor organization steps do you believe would be the most challenging and why?