Based on what you have read do you believe that pollution

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Reference no: EM13452669

This week's environmental controversy focuses on bottled water in terms of its health, safety, and financial issues. People disagree on whether government or private groups should be designated to promote healthier water. What is your position? Review the background information. Then using the references along with resources from your own research,Remember to cite your sources using proper APA format.

Critics of bottled water note that the products often contain dangerous bacteria and other contaminants.They argue that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration needs to better regulate the contents of bottled water. Others argue that media watchdog groups and competition within the private sector, rather than more regulations, are the best solutions for improving the quality of bottled water.

Use these references to help answer the questions that follow. You may want to also search the Internet for additional resources.

Bottled water: More than just a story about sales growth; Stringent federal, state and industry standards help ensure safety, quality and good taste. (2007, April 9). PR Newswire. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand.

Based on what you have read, do you believe that pollution standards should be established for bottled water? What arguments most influenced your decision? How would you explain your position to someone who disagrees with you?

Reference no: EM13452669

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