Reference no: EM131030515 , Length: word count:1500
The assignment must be completed as an individual assignment. There is a specific writing style and required to write an executive report. Word limit is 1500 words. Please do not repeat the question in your answer, and simply provide the answer.
Assignment question
Your task is to compare and contrast the historical (for the last 2 years - 2014 and 2015) and expected future performance of Wesfarmers Limited(a listed company) and WoolworthsLimited(a listed company) a competitor in the same industry, and present your findings in the form of an executive report which will cover quantitative performance elements in a logical cohesive format.(Word limit is 1500 words). Please use the figures provided in the most recent annual reports. You must use the ratios and formulae given in chapter 8 of the prescribed textbook. Show all the formulae and absolute figures used in calculating all the ratios as an appendix. You do not have to show any graphs to illustrate trends in the ratios. Show ALL your calculations. You will note marks are provided for correct figures. Partial marks can only be provided if you provide your workings and the marker can identify where you went wrong in the calculations.
The executive report based on quantitative analysis should include (butis not constrained to):
- An executive summery
- A brief introduction on each company including how they are placed within the industry.
- An initial analysis of trends in the items contained in the profit and loss statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows; appropriate relevant ratios measuring Profitability (Return on Assets and Net Profit Margin), Liquidity (Current Ratio and Quick Ratio),Capital structure (Debt to Equity Ratioand Equity Ratio) and Market performance (Earnings per share and Dividend per share).
- A highlighting of the most important changes within these ratios and an identification of the reasons for these changes. A comparison of the quantitative analysis for the two companies on Profitability, Asset efficiency, Liquidity, Capital structurean identification of the reasons for any differences.
- Conclusions - You should include a conclusion in which you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your overall analysis encompassing what your analysis has accomplished and what are its limitations.
- Recommendation.
Taking into account the quantitative analysis, you are required to make a recommendation which will fall into one of the following three categories:
1. Invest in the company
2. Invest in the competitor
3. Invest in neither
When you prepare the executive report based on quantitative analysis, you will be able to get some important data and information from following web sites(butis not constrained to):
Industry standards - from the IBISWorld website
ASX 2015, ‘Woolworths Limited'!/WOW
ASX 2015, ‘Wesfarmers Limited'!/WES
1500 words, plz follow formats, content and the requirements properly.
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