B207B Shaping Business Opportunities Assignment

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Reference no: EM132608601 , Length: word count:900

B207B Shaping Business Opportunities II - Arab Open University

Question 1
Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transformation and changes of organizations goals, processes or technologies. During the times of change, people tend to resist change and stick to old processes and habits.
Write an essay to discuss the following:
1- Why is it important for businesses to change?
2- What are the main reasons for people to resist change?
3- Link the above discussion to the current situation of employee working remotely due to COVID-19. How were organizations able to cope with the new situation? Support your discussion with relevant examples.

Question 2 (300 words)
XYZ Company bought real estate properties in Boston 50 years ago for $30,000. In 2020, a real estate appraiser inspects the properties and concludes that their expected market value is $2 million. The company has been using historical accounting principles for the last 50 years. A newly appointed financial manager recommends the use of fair value accounting for the value of the properties. Discuss the difference between the two approaches. Do you agree with the financial manager? Why or why not?

Question 3 (300 words)

An employer brand describes the essence of what it means to be an employee of your company. Your employer brand sets your company apart from all the other employers out there. The purpose of an employer brand is to describe the type of employees who will be successful at your company, and the kinds of employee traits you want your employees to encompass. It also serves to describe why your company is a great place to work.

For Apple, the "Think Different" commercial presents an emotionally compelling story, clearly identifying Apple's employment brand. Who fits in at Apple? Those who have a rebel streak. Creative people who take risks. People who do things against the grain, somewhat counterculture. Those not defined by failure. Essentially, people who think different.

Explain what is meant by internal marketing and evaluate how it enables companies like Apple reach their goals. (hint: benefits of internal marketing)

Reference no: EM132608601

Questions Cloud

What safeguard does business have to ensure ethical practice : What safeguards does your business have to ensure ethical practices by its employees? Do you have any examples you'd like to share
What is the accounts payable period : Given the following information, what is the Accounts Payable period?
Find the discounted expected value of a series of payments : Find the discounted expected value of a series of payments of $500 made at the end of each year for the next eight years
Difference between amortization schedule and sinking fund : What would be the difference between an amortization schedule and a sinking fund schedule for the loan repayment in (a)?
B207B Shaping Business Opportunities Assignment : B207B Shaping Business Opportunities II Assignment Help and Solution, Arab Open University - Assessment Writing Service
How much the employee will have saved for retirement : Consider the following retirement fund R which involves contributing on your birthdays over the years 2020 to 2060:
Evaluate the performance of fund : Which of the following risk measures is most appropriate for this client to evaluate the performance of your fund?
Project based on the profitability index criterion : Should the company invest in this project based on the profitability index criterion?
Explain how a basic product costing system is used : Using the Fundamentals of Product and Service Costing, explain how a basic product costing system is used to calculate product or service costs.


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