
Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13162721

For the B+-tree where M=3 and L=5 shown below, show how an insert of value 80 is handled.  

       || 12 || 50 ||
       /      |           /       |           2       12      50 
     5       18      65
     7       20      70 
     9       21      72
    10       24      78
2. For the B+-tree where M=3 and L=5 shown below, show how an insert of value 77 is handled. 
   Use the method of splitting the node rather than redistributing between siblings. 

                        || 24 || 75 ||
                       /       |                            /         |                             /           |                 || 10 || 16 ||     || 41 || 50 ||      || 84 || 90 ||
      |    /      \     /      |     \       |     \           /     |       |   |       |      \      |      |      |
    2     10      16   24     41      50    75     84     90
    5     11      18   26     42      65    78     86     92
    7     14      20   30     45      70    79     87     93
    9                         47      72    80     
3. A B+-tree is to be stored on disk whose block size is 2048 bytes.  The data records
     to be stored are 50 bytes, and their key is 4 bytes.  Determine the values for
     M and L for the B+-tree.  Assume pointers are 4 bytes each.
4. For the problem above, how many levels are needed to store 10,000,000 records?



Reference no: EM13162721

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