Reference no: EM132406536
Research project
Topic - Awareness and practice of school health advisors about common health needs of female students in intermediate and secondary girls' school in Hail, Saudi Arabia.
Being it is academic dissertation or requirement, there is no limitation of words. But it should be reader friendly for the examiner/evaluator for better understanding. where as in publication there is limit of words. there we have to condense the matter as well as tables also.
General Instructions:
Arial black font type (Saudi commission given)
font size 14 (Saudi commission given)
Double spacing (Saudi commission given)
1. Order of Research Project:
Certificate by supervisor
Certificate by Program Director/ Head of the institution.
Certificate by student
Institutional Ethical Committee Certificate
Table of Contents
List of Figures & tables
Any Abbreviations used
Abstract in English
Abstract in Arabic Language
Introduction (Starting page number from Introduction)
Aims & Objectives
Review of Literature
Materials & Methods
Limitations of the study
References: (Vancouver style)
Annexure: (Questionnaire is must, any tool used and any other information)
Brief Resident CV (Just 1-2 pages) at the end.
Scientific headings:
250-300 words
Usually in Arabic and English. only abstract in arabic and english and remaining contents in english only.
Introduction: 2-4 pages
Highlighting about magnitude,
disease description
lastly reasons for selecting this topic
aim of the study and Objectives of the study: 1 page. Otherwise aims & objectives they can keep as single heading.
2-4 objectives usually to be mentioned in separate page.
Review of literature: 4-8 pages.
It varies from topic to topic.
Some of our study variables literature must be included. Review of literature must be covered from local, national and international studies.
Eg: BMI and type 2 Diabetes. Already studies conducted elsewhere to be included.
Certain variables literature getting itself is difficult. Those variables can be omitted.
Materials & methods: (4-8 pages)
Description about study
Study setting & Study design:
Study participants
study duration
Sample size calculation: briefly about formulae or any other method to arrive the sample.
sample selection method to be elaborated
Some important variables description
For estimation or identification of any disease any invasive technique or personal interview to be explained
Eg: BMI Estimation, Blood sugar estimation procedure.
Ethical considerations
Statistical analysis applications
Observations/Results: (12-20 pages)
Observations will be presented in the form of results:
Mostly as tables for better understanding. some areas pie charts and also some graphs.
Please do not present as dual presentation of same issue. (Eg: Both Table & Graph).
Usually each table should be presented in separate A4 size paper.
One page with one table along with description.
Discussion: (3-6 pages).
Our study findings discussed with other study findings.
Comparison with local and international studies.
Interpretation of results.
Limitations of the study: 6-10 lines.
Conclusions: (1 page)
Some salient features results to be presented as conclusions.
Important significant associations to be mentioned .
Recommendations/Implications: 1 page
based on our study results, if we want to mention some recommendations to the public, health administrators etc.
References: Ideally 30-50 references including cross references (5-9 pages)
For academic dissertation 30-50 references or more depends on literature availability.
Some we can use text books references also.
Vancouver's style
Note: All pages only one side only to be written.
Research project in the form of spiral binding or binding form not less than 50 pages and not more than 75 pages. 50-75 pages optimum.
Numbering of the pages starts from introduction to references.
Appendix: Questionnaire and other important things.
Attachment:- Research submission.rar