Avoid opportunities to learn more about such people

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Reference no: EM133612788


People often think that those who disagree with them politically are horrible people, and thus they avoid opportunities to learn more about such people (e.g., by avoiding interactions with them) and ignore evidence that does not support their beliefs about these individuals. What is this an example of?

Reference no: EM133612788

Questions Cloud

Believe greater attention to diversity is warranted : Identify where you believe greater attention to diversity is warranted. For example, is there a particular group or diversity need
Society has seen recent influx of immigrants : A society has seen a recent influx of immigrants. The members of the government and major businesses for the society must decide how to deal with this.
What are four labels associated with mertons typology : What are the four labels associated with Merton's Typology? What are the four labels associated with Merton's Typology?
In Quinneys Marxist theory-criminal behavior : In Quinney's Marxist theory, criminal behavior is: found principally in the lower classes more function of accommodation
Avoid opportunities to learn more about such people : People often think that those who disagree with them politically are horrible people, and thus they avoid opportunities to learn more about such people
Drunk driving or repeat drunk driving : Drunk Driving or Repeat Drunk Driving, what are the major differences and impacts?
What does obedience mean : What does obedience mean, and how does it appear in your life? In your community/culture/society?
Equality of opportunity and equality of condition : What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of condition? How do these concepts relate to social justice?
Why large majority of adults eventually marry : Identify the reasons why a large majority of adults eventually marry. Reason(s) Media, family, and religious leaders pressure people to marry.


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