Average salary of employees in each department

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133829855

Database Design and Management

Assessment - SQL Demonstration and analysis

Type - Coding task and Video presentation


This assessment evaluates your SQL querying proficiency and your ability to justify and explain query logic. You will receive a database schema, data, and a scenario. You can use Gen AI tools for specific tasks only. The assessment consists of a SQL query task (Part A) and a detailed video explanation.

Assessment Description

In this assessment, you will use a case study provided as a supplementary document. Your task is to retrieve data on the given database using MySQL to find answers to the questions in the Assessment Instructions. The database contains thousands of rows of data, making it impractical to find answers manually. Get Instant Solutions for Your Assignments!

Learning outcome 1: Investigate the use of Relational Database Management Systems in organisations.

Learning outcome 2: Construct database models.

Learning outcome 3: Create queries to manage data using a database query language.

Assessment Instructions

Part A: SQL Querying

As an individual, you must download the database and data files and load them into MySQL. Once loaded, you must develop queries for the following questions:

Note: You should include a comment above each query, specifying which question you are answering. In addition, you can use Gen AI tools to get an idea about how to answer Questions (1 - 10) only, and responses to the SQL queries should be restricted to only the clauses used in workshop materials.

Question 1: Display the first names of all employees who work in the department located in Sydney in alphabetical order.

Question 2: Show employees who have worked at the University the shortest amount of time.

Question 3: Display the names of all employees whose age is a palindrome.

Question 4: Create a procedure to list the departments along with the number of employees in each department.

Question 5: Create a function that finds the average salary of employees in each department.

Question 6: Find the names and salaries of employees who are older than 40 years.

Question 7: Show the employee details and their department names for those employees who have a "Lecturer" title.

Question 8: Display employees' first and last names and work out the original salary for all employees and their new salary after their (10%) bonus is applied.

Question 9: Add a new attribute called "EmployeeInitials" to the Employees table.

Question 10: Write a query that populates "EmployeeInitials", based off the existing stored names.

Question 11: Write 250 words explaining the integrity of this database. Is it up to standard? If yes, explain why and how. If not, what is wrong with the database's integrity?

Part B: Video Explanation
You should record a video discussing the following:
Justify each SQL query in detail, including the syntax, the purpose of the query, and the appropriate output.
Ensure your video is clear and audible.
Show your SQL queries and the database schema while you explain.
Keep your explanation concise and focused within a 9-minute to 11-minute timeframe.

Reference no: EM133829855

Questions Cloud

Which personal protective equipment would the nurse use : The nurse is providing colostomy care to client with methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus. Which personal protective equipment (PPE) would the nurse use?
What is considered a type of thought leader : As an influential change agent and role model striving to lead new nursing workplace developments, what is considered a type of thought leader?
Lack of confidence and motivation : A major barrier to self-reflection that I experienced would be lack of confidence and motivation.
Effective quality improvement in healthcare settings : Focuses on the importance of process mapping as a foundational tool for effective quality improvement in healthcare settings,
Average salary of employees in each department : Display the first names of all employees who work in the department located in Sydney in alphabetical order - Create a procedure to list the departments
Health care disparities have emerged significant challenge : In recent years, health care disparities have emerged as a significant challenge, demanding attention from leaders in the nursing profession.
Modules materials and exploring related literature : Before delving into the recent module's materials and exploring the related literature, my understanding of health care disparities was rather simplistic
Experience were reactive rather than proactive : Experience were reactive rather than proactive. I responded to disparities as isolated incidents rather than symptoms of larger systemic issues
Support equitable health care access : In terms of social policy, advocating for policies that support equitable health care access has become a personal priority.


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