Reference no: EM132401103
Individual Problems 1-1
The owners of a small manufacturing concern have hired a vice president to run the company with the expectation that she will buy the company after five years. For the first $150,000 of profit, the vice president's compensation is a flat annual salary of $50,000 plus 90% of company profits. Beyond the first $150,000 in profits, the vice president's compensation is the salary she receives at $150,000 profit plus 30% of company profits in excess of $150,000.
On the following graph, use the purple points (diamond symbols) to plot the vice president's salary as a function of annual profit, for the profits levels of $0, $50,000, $100,000, $150,000, $200,000, $250,000, and $300,000.
2.The vice president has the option to purchase the company after five years. The purchase price for the company is set at 4 times earnings (profit), computed as average annual profitability over the next five years. In five years, the company is expected to be worth $10 million.
On the following graph, use the green points (triangle symbols) to plot the vice president's expected profit from buying the company, for average annual profitability levels of $0, $500,000, $1,000,000, $1,500,000, and $2,000,000.