Average agreement with gay individuals

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Reference no: EM133547244

Your research question: Are there differences in the average agreement with gay individuals having the right to marry one another among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?

Analysis Report Summary

1. Select and report the inferential statistical test contextualized in the research question.

2. Provide the alpha value and use it to determine the significance of your test.

3. Report the results including statistic value with degree of freedom, p value, and effect size.

4. Report the values necessary to interpret the findings and identify the pattern of relationship (for example, slope for regression and means for ANOVA).

5. Connect the statistical findings back to the research question and conceptual variables.

6. Propose an actionable item that uses the results of your findings relevant to the research question.

7. Provide the output from your data analysis (using the Analysis ToolPak) as a screenshot or picture.

Reference no: EM133547244

Questions Cloud

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