Authentication and authorization

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131559524

Question Option 1: Intrusion Detection

Networks often contain valuable information and are the target of threats to acquire the information or damage the information. Intruders pose a significant threat to networks and the first step in thwarting intrusion is to understand when and how it is occurring. What are some of the ways intruders can be detected in a network and what can be done to reduce this network threat?

Question Option 2: Digital Signatures

One of the most difficult aspects of network security is identification. If all people and devices connected to the network could be identified during every network transmission, security would be greatly improved. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. Digital signatures help in identification of network transmissions. Discuss how digital signatures work and what aspects of network security they enhance.

Question Option 3: Access Control Lists

A common method of gaining improved network security is to create a list of authorized users for all network resources. These lists are called Access Control Lists or ACLs. ACLs are like airline reservations. You arrive at the gate and if you have a boarding pass, you can get on the plane. Without a boarding pass, you are left at the gate and the plane is off limits. Discuss how Access Control Lists work and the role they play in network security.

Question Option 4: Authentication and Authorization

The terms authentication and authorization are often confused. Authentication relates to determining who the user is and authorization relates to what resources a user can access. Discuss the definition of each of these terms with respect to network security. Also discuss the role each of these concepts plays in network security.

Reference no: EM131559524

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