Reference no: EM13934532
Students will be assessed against the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) NationalCompetency Standards for the Registered Nurse. Refer to the SHS Assessment Guidelines for detailed instructions and advice relating to how toresolve any issues concerning assessment.Please note that the SHS requires all assignments to be clearly referenced in the Harvard style.Download a Guide to Harvard from the UTAS Library website and practice with it until you have athorough understanding of how to reference correctly: Identify a phenomenon or aspect of nursing practice that is suitable to research; this might be from your previous PEP or in an area of practice that you are interested in pursuing. Using the template available on MyLO,
Describe briefly the researchable phenomenon that you have identified, including the setting, the population, and the intervention or aspect of care.
Construct a searchable research question using a recognized clinical question formula.
Carry out a search of the literature, and describe the search strategy you used, including
o the database/s used, and the rationale for this choiceo how your search was conducted, including search terms, Boolean/s and/or parameter/s used
o how many different searches you did, including what aspects of your search approach worked or did not work.
Identify one original research article that supplies you with evidence to answer your question.