Reference no: EM13940690
Students are required to write a summative academic essay of 1,500 words, answering one of the essay questions below. For this essay, it is expected that you now comprehend the standard of work required to write a sound academic essay. Employing the lessons and standards learnt from Essay 1, answer one (1) of the following essay questions
1. UC Book of the Year Question: Are governments effective at protecting our freedoms by protecting us from each other? Discuss, drawing upon the concepts taught in this unit and using examples from the UC Book of the Year, Room, to support your argument. Please referenceRoom using page numbers in the same way you would a normal academic publication. Each individual reference to Room will count as one reference (as part of the minimum of 10 references rule).
2. Should the Australian Government privatise Medibank? Discuss, drawing upon news media reports and the concepts taught in this unit.
3. Do international institutions such as the WTO and the OECD help or hinder economic development in developing nations? Discuss, incorporating or countering the "democratic deficit" argument.
4. Are passive industry policies more effective than anticipatory industry policies? Discuss, using examples from the recent Global Financial Crisis and drawing upon news media reports, the concepts taught in this unit and other countries.
Minimum 10 references required. (Harvard System)
List at the end required
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Australian government privatise medibank
: Should the Australian Government privatise Medibank? Discuss, drawing upon news media reports and the concepts taught in this unit.
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: It then calculates the letter grade the student has earned, based on the average score of these assignments.
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Determine the moment of inertia of the drum
: Determine the moment of inertia of the drum and the angular acceleration, the time taken, the work done, the average power developed by the driving motor.
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: Sony Mobile Communications (SMC) is one the world's leading providers of mobile multimedia devices including phones, accessories and PC cards. The main competitors of SMC are Apple, Nokia and Samsung.