Auditor faces with respect to conflicts of interest

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13490744

As the management accountant at AJack Partnership, you are involved in the planning and control of financial statements and cost accounting. AJack has been experiencing excellent sales and profit numbers. You have decided to invest and purchase stock in the company.

The direct investment would not be material to the company, but it would be material to you. In your free time, you like to go to the local Gambling and Jack Box Boat.

• Do you think that you should face the same integrity issues that an outside auditor faces with respect to conflicts of interest? Why, or why not?

• As an employee of the firm, do you believe that you should refrain from engaging in questionable activities, such as gambling? Why, or why not?

• Do you believe that internal management accountants possess the degree of skill commonly possessed by outside accountants and auditors? Explain your reasoning.

Reference no: EM13490744

Questions Cloud

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Auditor faces with respect to conflicts of interest : Do you think that you should face the same integrity issues that an outside auditor faces with respect to conflicts of interest? Why, or why not?
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Compute the focal length of the eyepiece : The near point of a naked eye is 25 cm. When placed at the near point and viewed by the naked eye, Find the focal length of the eyepiece


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