Auditing of databases

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131255113

Question: Write a discussion on the following topix:

Use the Internet. Identify and share with your classmates a third-party application that can aid in the auditing of databases.

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In the given document there are few question related to Database auditing and third party application auditing. To solve these problem we should have proper knowledge of it.In the solution i have soon an example of these class so the the person who read it can easily understand the concept.

Reference no: EM131255113

Questions Cloud

Implement a white box informal database security testing : Create a planning and preparation checklist common to all security tests as a whole - Identify any special planning and preparation needed for each test.
What percentage of cost of a dell eflects inventory costs : What percentage of cost of a Dell computer reflects inventory costs? - Assume Dells yearly inventory cost is 40 percent to account for the cost of capital for financing the inventory, the warehouse space, and the cost of obsolescence.
Provide pseudo-code for an in-place : Provide pseudo-code for an in-place (no extra storage) algorithm to take an array of n integers and rearrange it such that all of the odd numbers occur before any of the even numbers.
Cobit readings from the electronic reserve readings : Effective information security recommendations must be incorporated into a formal information systems security plan with the objective to protect critical organization information assets.
Auditing of databases : Use the Internet. Identify and share with your classmates a third-party application that can aid in the auditing of databases.
Who should present the data to the customers : Who prepares the schedule? - Who updates the schedule? -  Who should present the data to the customers?
Components of the mac : MAC Address: 1. Identify and explain each components of the MAC, physical, or Ethernet address?
What is investigative reporting : What is investigative reporting? How is it relevant to white collar crime? Why or why not is it helpful in fighting white collar crime?
Contrast the five as of information security : 1. Explain and contrast the five As of information security. 2. Explain the concept of sloppy code versus secure code as presented in the textbook, and give examples that illustrate each concept.


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