Reference no: EM133218190
Computer Science
As a result of testing the Oracle databases, it was discovered that there were a few issues that needed to be addressed. These are:
1. Auditing is enabled but the only events being audited are failed logins. For compliance purposes, both successful and failed logins need to be audited. Additionally, other events such as tablespace and column auditing need to be enabled to log activities associated with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Cardholder Information (CHI). This may necessitate the use of fine-grained auditing (FGA).
2. Encryption is not being used widely enough. Some tables are encrypted, but there are some tables that are not.
3. Monitoring of logs is not occurring. A monitoring solution needs to be identified to be compliant. This solution should make use of the existing Splunk implementation so you may need to present an overview of how that would work
Your task is to create the report for senior management, either in Google Docs, listing each of the three findings. In addition, you must document the risk posed by each one, the severity, and recommendations for addressing them. Be sure to provide justification for the severity rating. You will also need to provide details for the Oracle admins so they know what they need to do.