Audit your company security plan

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Reference no: EM13670301 , Length: word count:600

• You have been asked to audit your company security plan as it applies to acceptable employee use of the Internet and e-mail. Write a preliminary audit plan, including scope, objectives, and audit steps.

• You work as an IT auditor for Ajax systems. The primary system administrator for your company''s critical systems has disappeared. He leaves no forwarding address and his phone is disconnected. You are asked to perform an audit of the operating system that used to be under his control. How would you approach it? Include the steps you would take in auditing these systems.

• You are an internal auditor assigned to perform an operations audit of a data center. On reviewing the operations policy and procedures manuals, you find that the manuals appear to be fairly complete and current. Describe at least three audit test you would perform to test whether the manuals are actually used and followed.

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Reference no: EM13670301

Questions Cloud

Obtain what the average force exerted on ball by the wall : A 2.60 kilogram steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 10.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0 degree with the surface. obtain the average force exerted on ball by the wall
Evaluate what is the final speed of the ball : A baseball moving at a speed of 45 m/s, is struck by a bat moving towards it with an average speed of 26 m/s. evaluate what is the final speed of the ball
Find what initial speed should the car have : A 1450 kilogram car is traveling with a speed of 12 m/s on a frictionless, Find what initial speed should the car have to compress the spring by 25.0 centimeter
Find both the work done by this force : A constant 95 Newton's force acts on a4.50 kilogram box. Find both the work done by this force and the average power delivered by the force during the 3.0 sec interval
Audit your company security plan : You have been asked to audit your company security plan as it applies to acceptable employee use of the Internet and e-mail. Write a preliminary audit plan, including scope, objectives, and audit steps.
Global competitiveness report : You can use a specific country or speak in general terms that apply to any nation seeking to become more competitive.
Supply and demand concepts : Supply and Demand Concepts
Describing how currency exchange rates are determined : Describing how currency exchange rates are determined in markets.
Why different economic sectors would perform differently : Sector rotation is quite an important strategy and is used extensively by professional portfolio managers. Do you have any ideas why different economic sectors would perform differently at different stages of the economic cycle?


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