Audit testing of the anz australian

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131992182 , Length: word count:800

Assess audit risk, identify key assertions and audit testing of the chosen company

Company - ANZ Australian

From the information available in relation to the company that you have chosen for your Individual Assignment A, B, and C:

1. Assuming that going concern is not an issue, identify two (2) key asset accounts at risk. This will be from the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet).

2. For EACH of the two asset accounts identified above:

a. Provide a brief explanation as to why the asset account is at risk;

b. List the key assertion (as per ASA315) where the audit effort should be concentrated; and

c. Describe one substantive test of detail you would perform to gather sufficient appropriate evidence in relation to the assertion identified in b. above.

3. Identify one Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement) expense account at risk, which is unrelated to the asset accounts identified in 1 above. Provide a brief explanation of why it is at risk and list the key assertion (as per ASA315) at risk.

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Reference no: EM131992182

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5/22/2018 6:04:28 AM

I am very satisfied with this expert who finished the last assignment so I think this task also let him finish. And the company I picked is ANZ Australian.And please ask the expert to follow the right template

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