Audit evidence - terms of their reliability

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13184349

For each of the following combinations of audit evidence, rank the items in terms of their reliability:


A         Bank statement from the entity's records

B         Bank statement sent directly to the auditor

C         Cash at bank ledger


D         Audit firm conducts the physical count of inventory

E          Internal audit reports on the physical count of inventory

F          Auditor supervises internal audit conducting the physical count of inventory


G         Management provides a representation letter on the accuracy of valuations

H         The auditor receives a letter from the agent who conducted the valuation confirming its accuracy

I           The auditor hires an independent agent to confirm the valuation


J           The auditor conducted an inventory count two months before reporting date

K         Internal audit conducted an inventory count 3 days before reporting date

L          Internal audit conducted a supervised inventory count on reporting date


M         Management assured the auditor of the probable outcome of a pending court case

N         The entity's lawyers assured the auditor of the probable outcome of a pending court case

O         The auditor received a representation from the entity's lawyers regarding the probable outcome of a pending court case

Reference no: EM13184349

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