Audit around the computer approach

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Reference no: EM131940729

Individual MYOB Assignment

One of the major assessments of Accounting Information Systems is the individual MYOB assignment which consists of three parts:

• Transaction Reports
• Work Activity Report
• Presentation

Submission details:
• The assignment is due in Week 10 (progress report in Week 7 tutorials).
• Submit the following in class
o A hard copy of the Transaction and Work Activity Reports with
- One individual assignment cover page
- Seven chapter covers
- A folder
o A soft copy of the seven AccountRight files
- with .myox extensions
- In an USB
o An oral presentation
- No PPT slides are required
- Answer validation questions from the Tutor

MYOB Transaction Reports

• The software required for this assignment is MYOB AccountRight Plus version 2017.2
a. The software is installed in the computer labs and the Library
b. To install the software on your personal computer, please follow the instructions on ‘Downloading and installing MYOB' from ‘MYOB_Topic1_Introduction Mar 18' on the Moodle subject page
c. Do not upgrade to higher versions when opening files
d. The Tutor will activate your company file after the completion of Chapter 4. Meanwhile choose ‘activate later'.

• Students are required to produce the transaction reports from the textbook, Pabst Accounting with MYOB 2015, Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
a. Follow the instructions starting from Chapter 2, page 19 ‘Set-up the accounts list'
b. Do not attempt the Revision Exercises at the end of each chapter
c. Save the generated reports as PDF documents with the figure numbers and names provided in the book (E.g. FIGURE 2.24 Trial Balance for May)
d. Print out the reports and mark the differences on the hard copy after comparing the results between the student's reports and the book's

e. Submit the hard copy reports with a simple Chapter Cover Page to the tutor and retain the signed reports by the tutor for the final submission in Week 10
f. Backup the .myox file and the pdf files for each Chapter in the Google Drive at the Student KOI Gmail Account

• When students submit the final reports in class, the teacher will ask validation questions to verify that the students did the work by themselves. Students who submit someone else's work will receive an academic penalty in accordance with the Student Academic Misconduct Policy.

Common errors in producing the transaction reports

• Dates are not set to the Australian Date format:
Go to the DATE SETTING on your computer to check the format of the date. Ensure that this is in the format DAY-MONTH-YEAR. If it is not in this format, then you should change the setting to this format, or else remember that it is not in this format, before entering any information. A common problem for students is assuming that the date setting on their computer will be DAY-MONTH- YEAR. However, it may be set as MONTH-DAY-YEAR and finding that transactions attempting to be entered on 13/7/2009 will not be accepted, is the first students know that their computer is set to the date setting MONTH-DAY-YEAR. At that stage there is no alternative but to start over again, losing all transactions entered. To set your computer so that DAY-MONTH-YEAR date format are used for your transactions, go to Control Panel and then to Regional and Language Options and change to DATE-MONTH-YEAR date format

• Currency was not set to the Australian Dollar:
To set your computer so that dollars are used for your transactions, go to Control Panel and then to Regional and Language Options and change to DOLLAR (Australian) format.

• Data entry errors:
o Date - One of the most common errors is to enter the date incorrectly. Though the student does not have any intention to enter the date incorrectly, it can happen. MYOB by default enters today's date. However the accounting MYOB assignment has transaction dates which relate to future dates. So this is a trap for the student and it is very likely that a wrong date may be entered. Therefore students should double check dates before entering them into the system.

o Negative Sign - Enter opening balances as positive numbers. Don't, for example, enter your liability account balances as negative numbers. Enter negative amounts only if accounts truly have negative balances. As a rule, these will be asset accounts that record accumulated depreciation. For example you have to enter the opening balance of the trial balance (page 28). The trial balance has two columns (debit and credit). The screen of MYOB balance has one column. Please enter -275, -4410, -3830, and -11940 in asset category and also enter - 3790 and -21500 in liability category.

o GST Inc. or Exc. - When creating Purchase or Sales invoices in MYOB, there is a tick box asking you whether the invoice is Inc. or Exc. GST. Also when loading in price for products, it

is another common mistake for students to forget to tick or untick the box, based on the information of the book.

o Delete entry - You have entered an invoice twice in MYOB and closed both of them. You need to find out how to delete one of them. You are finding it difficult because it's already closed. You have to delete the payment that closed the invoice first. If you are looking at the invoice click on history then delete the line entry that has the payment that closed the invoice. Once you delete the payment, you will be able to delete the invoice.

MYOB Work Activity Report

The report size limit is 800 words plus or minus 20%.

You have to provide an individual work report on how you have worked to produce your MYOB assignment. The major part of your individual report is to practice ‘Audit around the Computer Approach' to prepare reports. It is more often known as black box audit approach as shown below:

In your MYOB assignment, you enter input data into the MYOB software based on the source documents (input) of the book, print the outputs (the reports) generated by the MYOB software and then compare the printed outputs with the outputs of the book. If the results of the two reports are different, you should reconcile the differences.


The final report should use an appropriate business report format and should include a detailed description


a. progress based on time spent on each chapter
b. any issues or problems that have occurred or been managed in each chapter, including details of what the issues or problems were (if there are differences between the results of the report produced by you and the report of the book, analyse the difference and write down the possible reasons of the difference), how you have dealt with them and what has been done to fix the issue or the problems (how the differences were reconciled).
c. your achievement in your MYOB assignment
d. what work is planned for the next 3 months in getting an MYOB related accounting job.

Individual Presentation

Presentation marks will be based on individual student performance at the presentation of your MYOB assignment based on the MYOB Work Activity in week 11 and 12 tutorials. If any student does not attend their presentation, the student will not get presentation marks unless a medical certificate has been provided.

Reference no: EM131940729

Questions Cloud

Important aspects of each theory in explaining personality : Your task is to demonstrate your knowledge of these theories you chose via descriptions of their key concepts and detailing the most important aspects.
Why do you say things that you might not say face to face : Do you think Facebook is making you mean? Explain why or why not. Do you say things that you might not say face to face?
Budgeting annually to meet your down-payment goal : Assume you could get a 7% average annual rate of return on investment. How much must you start budgeting annually to meet your down-payment goal?
What is your process for making these kinds of decisions : What is your process for making these kinds of decisions? What are the strengths and weaknesses of that process for you?
Audit around the computer approach : ACC203 Accounting Information Systems - how you have worked to produce your MYOB assignment. The major part of your individual report is to practice
The return hp shareholders earn is due to business : Determine how much of the return HP’s shareholders’ earn is due to business (asset) risk, and how much is due to financial risk.
Comapre the ethical codes of two distinct cultures : Compare and contrast the ethical codes of two distinct cultures in your local community, state, or nation. You also may choose an international comparison.
Post an explanation of the role of family preservation : Post an explanation of the role of family preservation in child welfare. Then, explain whether research supports the assumption that foster care is harmful.
How many decisions-large and small-have you made : Think about your own use of analysis. How many decisions-large and small-have you made in the last week? In the last month?



4/13/2018 5:58:39 AM

Communication Not Applicable Student mumbles, Student's voice is Student's voice is Student uses a 0.5 & Time and speaks too low. Audience clear. Most clear voice and Management quietly for members have audience correct, precise students in the difficulty hearing members can hear terms so that all back of class to presentation presentation. The audience hear and/or the and/or the presentation was members can hear presentation was presentation was of the proper presentation. The too brief or too somewhat short duration. presentation was long. or somewhat long. of the proper duration.


4/13/2018 5:58:29 AM

Content Not Applicable Some information Accurate Accurate Accurate and in 0.5 is not accurate, information, not information, depth not sufficient sufficient sufficient information, information information information sufficient amount of information Audience Interaction Not Applicable Student just reads presentation with no eye contact or no use of appropriate gestures Student primarily Reads presentation, occasionally uses eye contact and uses appropriate gestures. Student maintains eye contact and uses appropriate gestures while often referring to notes. Student maintains eye contact and uses appropriate gestures while seldom returning to notes. 1.0


4/13/2018 5:58:19 AM

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Effective Excellent Exceptional % Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Organisation Not Applicable Presentation is Audience has Student presents Student shows 0.5 not smooth and difficulty with information in enthusiasm and audience following logical sequence presents attention lost presentation which audience information in because there is because some of can follow. logical, interesting little sequence of the information is sequence which information. not in logical engages the sequence. audience.


4/13/2018 5:58:11 AM

Achievement and Future Plan Student does not addresses either what achieved or how learned, and what’s next regarding mastering MYOB Student addresses either what achieved or how learned, but does not address what is next with regard to mastering MYOB Student addresses what achieved and how achieved, but does not address what is next with regard to mastering MYOB Student addresses what achieved, how achieved , and what is next with regard to mastering MYOB clearly Student addresses what achieved, how achieved , and what is next with regard to mastering MYOB clearly 1


4/13/2018 5:58:03 AM

Analysis Analysis is arbitrary Analysis is vague and not evident. Analysis is accurate but not evident Analysis is through and evident Analysis is in depth and evident 1 Solution Solutions is arbitrary Solutions not based on analysis and not based on evidence/sound methods Solutions based on analysis but not based on evidence/sound methods Solutions based on analysis and evidence/sound methods but cannot fix the problems Solutions based on analysis and evidence/sound methods and fix the problems. 1


4/13/2018 5:57:56 AM

Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Effective Excellent Exceptional % Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Amount of issues/problems One or two important issues/problems are identified A few important issues/problems are identified Some important issues/problems are identified Majority of important issues/problems are identified All important issues/problems are identified 1 Explanation of issues/problems Issue/problem is stated arbitrarily Issue/problem is stated without clarification or description. Issue is stated and clarified with some ambiguities, and/or backgrounds unknown. Issue/problem is stated, described, and clarified so that understanding is not seriously impeded. Issue/problem is stated clearly and described comprehensively 1


4/13/2018 5:57:49 AM

Payroll Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 • Set up payroll • Assign linked accounts for does not demonstrate a demonstrates a basic developed demonstrates an effective demonstrates a proficient demonstrates an advanced payroll transactions • Payroll transactions • Build employee list basic developed understanding of how to perform (more understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (3-5 developed understanding of how to perform (1-2 developed understanding of how to perform (no than 10 errors) errors) errors) errors)


4/13/2018 5:57:42 AM

Inventory Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 • Set up inventory items • Enter inventory opening does not demonstrate a demonstrates a basic developed demonstrates an effective demonstrates a proficient demonstrates an advanced balance • Inventory transaction • Auto build inventory items • End of period stock taking basic developed understanding of how to perform (more than 10 errors) understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (3-5 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (1-2 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (no errors)


4/13/2018 5:57:33 AM

Sales (Accounts Receivable) Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 • Set up customer and does not demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates opening balance • Sales transaction • Received payment • Cash sales • Adjustment note • Part payment received demonstrate a basic developed understanding of how to perform (more than 10 errors)) basic developed understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors) an effective developed understanding of how to perform (3-5 errors) proficient developed understanding of how to perform (1-2 errors) an advanced developed understanding of how to perform (no errors) Banking • Spend, receive and transfer money Student work does not demonstrate a Student work demonstrates a basic developed Student work demonstrates an effective Student work demonstrates a proficient Student work demonstrates an advanced 2.5 • Pay BAS liability • Petty cash and credit card • Bank register


4/13/2018 5:57:21 AM

General Ledger Set-up and Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 General Journal Entries does not demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates • Initial bank reconciliation • General journal transaction • Understanding GST • Reports using menu bar demonstrate a basic developed understanding of how to perform (more basic developed understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors) an effective developed understanding of how to perform (3-5 proficient developed understanding of how to perform (1-2 an advanced developed understanding of how to perform (no than 10 errors) errors) errors) errors) Purchase (Accounts Payable) Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 • Setup supplier and enter does not demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates opening balance • Set-up inventory items • Purchase transaction • Bill with discount • Adjustment note • Pay supplier • Cash purchase • Purchase register demonstrate a basic developed understanding of how to perform (more than 10 errors) basic developed understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors)


4/13/2018 5:56:51 AM

Criteria: How to perform Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Effective Excellent Exceptional % Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Company setup, including Student work Student work Student work Student work Student work 2.5 company information and does not demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates chart of accounts: demonstrate a basic developed an effective proficient an advanced • Create a new company file • Set up and link accounts • Enter account opening balances • Reports using other option basic developed understanding of how to perform (more than 10 errors) understanding of how to perform (6-10 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (3-5 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (1-2 errors) developed understanding of how to perform (no errors)

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