Audience analysis

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13132638


"Audience Analysis" Please respond to the following:

Identify the specific demographic factors you should consider about the audience members of the organization for your report and presentation.

Explain how you will go about analyzing the audience and whether the audience profile would be a factor in the successfulness of your speech.

Describe what you believe you can do as a speaker to respond to the audience's listening goals.

The following are Thread discussions/Comments from students and below is an example of how to respond.

The following post is an EXAMPLE to give you an idea of how to answer a student post. Students comments are no wrong or right, is just to follow up the conversation and say something if you are agree. If you are not agreeing with the comment, you might want to say: Please let me add.... Or I agree with you but I slightly differ about.....I think..... and end up with a question. 

EXAMPLE OF A Student post.

Based on the report what will be the:

1-Recipient: one that receives

2-Topic: A matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation; a subject.

3-Purpose of report: It is based off of a topic but it focusing on the information that has been provided.

Potential resources and a method for gathering information that may provide for at one classmate report I would be to research the topic of the report to the fullest extent. Make sure that you have all your information up to date as well as references to back up your research,also ask questions about this topic to those who may have reliable answers for them.

EXAMPLE of an Answer to the comment student made above.

Hello Michelle,
Having potential resources, such as electronic databases and gathering the right information, and like you say "up to date" are perfect combination to research your topic to its fullest extent as you mentioned. These elements are vital and add credibility to the paper you want to develop. Do you have any idea about your report topic?



Since I am doing a report on Lower Fat Chocolates.... I would really need to considered my location of the audience members. For example, L.A. is known for making healthier choices to eat for example.... They use avocados instead of mayo on their sandwiches (restaurants that is and its the land of celebrities.) So my chocolate would appeal to very health conscious people, or even those in Florida which is very close to water where people are concerned with their figure.
I would research the audience based on by looks to see how healthy individuals appear, and just that alone will tell me if they are going to be more receptive to my product I want to bring to the market. And I know that sounds horrible, but you can tell a lot about a person by how they look, carry themselves, or what they are wearing..
Watch their reaction to my speech and see just how much of an interest the audience has in my topic, and try to engage them in my speech whether its to ask one of them if I could use them as an example... without making that individual feel uncomfortable. And finally, maintaining interest and relax during the speech.


In my report I will discuss How to Improve our school lunches? In my report I want to grab the audience of the parents this is who the children look up to for guidance. In my report I will discuss the kind of foods the children should be eating,exercise,and nourishment's. The school should take part in this change for our children they should make sure that our children our active at school and parents should make sure their children are active at home. I will also discuss what weight the child should be I will include the age ranges as well as BMI.


Hey Professor and class, nothing will relax you more than to know you have properly prepared. The stage fright or speech anxiety felt by many speakers is due to not knowing enough about the speaking environment or the audience. The more you know about your speaking environment and your audience, the more relaxed you will be when delivering your speech. Many speakers, however, often overlook the need to include any kind of audience analysis as part of their speech preparation. Proper audience analysis will assure that you give the right speech to the right audience. Most professional speakers send their clients a multi-page questionnaire in order to gather enough information about them and the speaking event to properly customize their speeches.


The audience for my report will need to know some back ground about were and the amount of data being stored, or used. They should already have some knowledge of Movie Streaming and the amount of data it needs not only for the movie/TV shows but for customer information. The goal is to let them the profit it will bring taking the focus away from the cost to purchase the rights.


Knowing the difference between a presentation that is too lengthy and one that is properly detailed can be quite important for an audience. One thing that movie studios do to help gauge how effective their film will be to various audiences is to hold test screenings. They let people watch the movie (or portions of it) for little or no money and ask only that the people give them responses (in the form of a survey) afterward. This helps them cater their marketing budget towards attracting people who will likely enjoy the film. So, how does this help you with your presentation? Many of the same principles work for presentations. While you may not be able to hold a "test screening" with various audiences, it is important to run the presentation in front of people if possible. An alternative would be once the presentation is finished (with the audio), you should have as many people watch it and give you comments as possible. This can really make the difference when it comes to smoothing out problems that may be present that you did not realize were actually problems.
At the end of the presentation, your audience wants to feel like they are better off for sitting through your work. Try and devise ways to make that true for your target audience. Any other suggestions, class, as to how this can be achieved?


"Outlines and Notes " Please respond to the following:

Identify the type of outline and/or speaking notes you would prefer to use for your speech and explain why.


For Me I would prefer a A content outline which is a written outline that illustrates a speaker's major ideas, speech materials, and their relationship to each other. The content outline differs because it is not meant to be read from word-for-word. The content outline is also different from the speaking notes because the speaking notes are less elaborate and complete, and for me that will work since I am an "fly by the seat of my pants" when I speak. I feed off the audience but I keep some of my notes at hand for details.


The outline that I prefer to do for a speech is the decimal point outline, because it give brief points as well as information that I'm providing for my speech. I also think the decimal point looks professional and well organized.


Hey Professor and class, during the speech preparation process you may create a preparation outline, which is a very detailed outline. It includes: the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, subpoints, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography. The main points and subpoints are stated in full sentences. A speaking outline is just a brief outline used to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation of a speech. It uses phrases or key words to state main points and sub points.


Because I do not like someone who reads off of cards during a speech I will use a powerpoint presentation. It is an outline that is both visual and gives triggers to the notes as you speak. By setting up the powerpoint and studying what I am going to say I then have the ability to show my audience as tell them. An easy way to do this is to align the presentation to the report and it allows you the ability to speak easier. You can also add notes within the powerpoint that can help when you get stumped.


Using an outline is a good idea, but many students have problems determining how much information to include in an outline. For example, I had a student in an on-ground version of this class whose outline basically had so much information that the student was more often reading directly from the notes rather than using them as a guide. Regardless of how you create your outline or notes, they should only be a helpful assistant and not something that you intend on reading word for word in your actual presentation. The problem with reading directly from your notes (or a prepared speech) is that it often alienates the audience. If you are reading from a piece of paper (or packet depending on how extensive your notes are) then you are likely not making eye contact. You also are giving off some body language that your audience may not appreciate (hunching shoulders, dipping your head when speaking making it difficult to hear, et cetera). 

How do you figure out how much information is too much for your outline, class? Is there a good way to gauge this without making the mistake of having too much or too little?

Reference no: EM13132638

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