Reference no: EM131282975
1. Which of the following statements are true? (There are multiple correct answers)
Attributes are also referred to as fields in a database.
A foreign key cannot be a primary key in a database.
It is usually very costly to switch from a relational database to an object-oriented database.
A participation constraint is either 1 or 0.
Most database management systems do not have built-in mechanisms for enforcing referential integrity.
2. Which of the following statements are false?
(There are multiple correct answers and you must select all correct choices in order to get full credit for the question.)
Faster business processes are an advantage of enterprise systems.
In the Purchase-to-Pay process, purchase order processing is the second step in the process.
Enterprise systems typically do not have a single database.
Because ERP systems are modular, a company can buy what it needs.
One of the advantages of enterprise systems is that they provide centralized control rather than decentralized empowerment.
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