Attain faculty approval for your chosen product

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131531092 , Length: word count:3000

Environmental Analysis

Choose, as a team, a product for an environmental analysis.

Attain faculty approval for your chosen product.

Research an environmental analysis for the Learning Team's selected product.

Write a research paper of no more than 3,000 words in which you include a descriptive analysis of the following:

The product: the main features of the product and the major benefits received by those using the product; current branding strategies, a description of pricing used at distribution levels and to final users

Target market: demographic or psychographic profile; identification of the overall market size

Distribution: the plan for distribution

Competitors: define competition, current market share, competitive marketing strategies, product attributes, promotion, pricing, services offered, and definition of distribution network; discussion of strengths, weaknesses, and competitive trends.

Financial analysis: overall industry sales and market shares by segment and geographical region; profitability analysis including projected revenues and expenses

Other factors: include trends, events, and external conditions that may affect the product launch; social, cultural, demographic, economic, technological, political, legal, regulatory, and ethical factors considered

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131531092

Questions Cloud

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Choose a well-established services organization : For the Final Paper, you will choose a well-established services organization and research the services that are offered by the organization.
Attain faculty approval for your chosen product : Choose, as a team, a product for an environmental analysis.Attain faculty approval for your chosen product.Research an environmental analysis.
Draw memory map of stack during the execution of subroutine : Write a subroutine in 68000 assembly language to calculate the value of x + x2 + x4 . The parameter x is a 16-bit value that is to be passed to the subroutine.
Provide a detailed table listing all long term assets : Provide a detailed table listing all long term assets, liabilities & contingencies found on the balance sheet for the four most recent years.
Gay and lesbian issues in the workplace : Examine the presentation on gay and lesbian issues in the workplace. The information provided discusses: issues faced by gay and lesbian people.
Creating any value-added services in the process : they only add costs to the final product without creating any value-added services in the process.


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