Attached is a form using visual basic.

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13934731

Attached is a form using visual basic. The user should be able to choose a class and a location of the class with the list boxes I

have provided. The location and the class should show up in the third list box named list of costs. Once that is done you

should click the calculate button and the price of the class should pop up in the text box I have provided. Here is a list of the


Handling stress $595.00 for the class and it is a 3 day class

Time Management $695.00 for the class and it is a 3 day class

Supervision Skills $995.00 for the class and it is a 3 day class

Negotiation $1,295.00 for the class and it is a 5 day class

How to Interview $395.00 for the class and it is a 1 day class.

For the Location the form should calculate the # of days for the class X the lodging fees for the city. Here are a list of lodging

fees for the different cities.

Austin $95.00

Chicago $125.00

Dallas $110.00

Orlando $100.00

Phoenix $92.00

Raleigh $90.00

So for example I want to take the class of "negotiation" and I choose "Chicago" as my location. The form should calculate the

$1295.00 for the cost of the class and then 5 days X $125.00 per day. This total of $1920.00 should appear in the total cost

text box provided.

Attachment:- Program

Reference no: EM13934731

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