Atmospheres of earth-venus-mars-jupiter and the sun

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Reference no: EM133210264

Make a chart or graphical representation that compares and contrasts the atmospheres of Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun. There are many different chemical and physical properties you can include, so think carefully about what you include and why. What do you think sustains these atmospheres and what is their source or origin? What lessons, if any, can be learned from the different atmospheres in relation to Earth's atmosphere and its sustainability?

Make sure to

- To make a chart or graphical representation

- To identify chemical and physical properties that allow for an analysis of the atmospheres

- To compare and contrast the atmospheres of Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun

- To identify the possible sources of atmospheres and how they are sustained

- To determine what lessons can be learned from different atmospheres

- To communicate scientific ideas

- To cite reference sources

Reference no: EM133210264

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