At what depth would the vertical effective stress in a deep

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13548155

1.When the total pressure acting at midheight of a compressible clay layer is 100 kN/m^2, the corresponding void ratio is 1.09. When the total pressure increases to 400 kN/m^2, the corresponding void ratio decreases to 0.89. What would be the void ratio for a total pressure of 800 kN/m^2

2.At what depth would the vertical effective stress in a deep deposit of clay be 100 kpa, if e=1.1? The ground water level is a 1 m delow ground surface and S=95% above the groundwater level. Neglect pore air pressure.

Reference no: EM13548155

Questions Cloud

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At what depth would the vertical effective stress in a deep : At what depth would the vertical effective stress in a deep deposit of clay be 100 kpa, if e=1.1? The ground water level is a 1 m delow ground surface and S=95% above the groundwater level. Neglect pore air pressure.
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