Reference no: EM131275977
1. What are the scaling assumptions assumed by Pearson product moment correlation?
2. Listed below are various factors that may have relationships that are interesting to marketing managers. With each one, (1) identify the type of relationship, (2) indicate its nature or direction, and (3) specify how knowledge of the relationship could help a marketing manager in designing marketing strategy.
a. Readership of certain sections of the Sunday newspaper and age of the reader for a sporting goods retail store
b. Ownership of a telephone answering machine and household income for a telemarketing service being used by a public television broadcasting station soliciting funds
c. Number of miles driven in company cars and need for service such as oil changes, tune-ups, or filter changes for a quick auto service chain attempting to market fleet discounts to companies
d. Plans to take a five-day vacation to Jamaica and the exchange rate of the Jamaican dollar to that of other countries for Sandals, an all-inclusive resort located in Montego Bay
e. Amount of do-it-yourself home repairs and declining state of the economy (for example, a recession) for Ace Hardware stores.
Distinction between a statistical and a causal relationship
: Explain the distinction between a statistical relationship and a causal relationship.- Relate the three different aspects of a relationship between two variables.
Describe or identify r by c table
: With respect to Chi-square analysis, describe or identify r-by-c table, frequencies table, observed frequencies, and expected frequencies.
How your personal values influenced the selection
: In a 5-minute (or a 5-slide with notes) presentation, create an executive summary that recapitulates the issue and your proposed solution as well as a description of how your personal values influenced the selection and design of this program.
What is meant by the term significant correlation
: What is meant by the term significant correlation?- Briefly describe the connections among the following: covariation, scatter diagram, correlation, and linear relationship.
Assumptions assumed by pearson product moment correlation
: What are the scaling assumptions assumed by Pearson product moment correlation?- Identify the type of relationship.
Specify the main points of the buy american requirements
: Specify the main points of the Buy American Requirements in one page or less and determine the substantive means by which the Buy American Requirements would benefit both VectorCal and your new company. Provide a rationale for your response
Explain the pathophysiology of the alterations
: Explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified, as well as diagnosis and treatment of your selected disorder.
Describe the partnership life cycle
: Describe the partnership life cycle and the various challenges at each stage. Discuss one new technology tool to aid in primary qualitative or quantitative research.
What voltage will be indicated by the potentiometer
: . Four chromel-alumel thermocouples are connected in series. The four junctions are at 100, 150, 200, and 250?C. The series arrangement is hooked to a potentiometer, the copper-binding posts of which are at 30?C. What voltage will be indicated by ..