Reference no: EM133324971
1. Which theory states that people are most satisfied in a relationship when the ratio between rewards and costs are similar for both partners?
A. Attributional theory
B. Social network theory
C. Equity theory
D. Personal satisfaction theory
2. Which of the following is an assumption of "what is beautiful is good" that applies to the Eastern perspective but NOT the Western perspective?
A. Mature
B. Assertive
C. Generous
D. Well-adjusted
3. Ramona is talented at mathematics. However, one of her friends, Robert, just told her a few days ago that he thought women are bad at math in general. Later, when she was taking an assessment to qualify for the Mathletes team at her high school in the presence of mostly male students, she got nervous about the possibility of choking on the test and proving Robert right. This anxiety led her to perform worse on the test than she normally would. Which of the following terms MOST ACCURATELY describes the phenomenon that Ramona just experienced?
A. Stereotype threat
B. Realistic threat
C. Social identity threat
D. Prototypicality threat
4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why violent media MIGHT cause an increase in aggression?
A. Violent media may numb us to images of violence and normalize the behavior
B. Viewing violence may increase the likelihood of misattributing feelings of mild irritation to intense anger
C. Violent media may lead us to overestimate the extent to which the world is a dangerous place
D. Viewing violent media may lead to an increase in the production of the hormone testosterone, which always leads to an increase in violent behavior
5. Although her boyfriend treats her well, always puts her needs first, and doesn't demand much in the way of relationship effort from her, Courtney feels unsatisfied with the relationship because a little voice in her head keeps telling her there must be an even better mate out there for her somewhere. Courtney seems to have
A. A low comparison level
B. A high sense of investment
C. A high comparison level
D. A low comparison level for alternatives
6. A behavior designed to increase another's welfare without conscious regard for one's self-interests is