Assume the user enters 4 and 5 in the initial form

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1337327

Create a Visual Studio (Using visual studio 2005) project with two aspx forms. The first form contains a Label control, two TextBox controls, and Button controls labeled "Compute Area" and "Compute Perimeter." The Label control contains the text, "Enter numbers in the text boxes and then click a button." Use Try...Catch blocks to display an error message if the user enters a dimension that is less than or equal to zero. Use Validation controls to verify the user entered a number in each TextBox control before clicking a Button control.

When the user clicks a button, display the appropriate results on the second form. For example, suppose the user enters 4 and 5 in the initial form and clicks the "Compute Area" button. The result, "The area is 20," is displayed on the second form. If the results are greater than 100, the output should use a red font. If the results are greater than 50 and less than 100, the output should use a green font. If the results are less than 50, the output should use a blue font.

Place the entire project folder in a zip file for submission.

Base the name of your Visual Studio project on the name Marcus_IP2.

Reference no: EM1337327

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